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TRENDS initiates Africa-Middle East dialogue

TRENDS initiates Africa-Middle East dialogue
22 July 2024 08:32

CEO of TRENDS Research & Advisory

Africa is gaining growing geostrategic importance, which makes it a focus of increasing interest and competition among regional and international powers.

The strategic significance of Africa is attested to by the factors that draw these powers to the continent, as evidenced by qualitative and quantitative indicators and statistics.

For instance, the continent has approximately 12 percent of the world’s total oil reserves, nearly 30 percent of the world’s mineral reserves, and one-third of the global uranium reserves.

Furthermore, it produces around 25 percent of the world’s total output and has extensive untapped natural resources and raw materials.

Its strategic location allows it to play a vital role in international maritime trade and also makes it an attractive consumer market for industrial nations and major economies.

Africa is distinguished by the rapid growth of many of its economies, as well as the rich and diverse cultures of its nations and peoples.

Africa also holds significant voting power in international institutions, with its 54 countries constituting about 28 percent of the United Nations’ member states.

This makes its role highly influential in decision-making processes and international relations.

In addition, the continent’s growing population, currently around 1.2 billion people, includes a large pool of young workers, which enhances its attractiveness for investment and cooperation with emerging economies, such as those of the Gulf states, especially the UAE.

As the UN Secretary-General summarized, Africa is “an important voice for the global good and home to many examples of unity and solidarity in a fragmented world.”

At TRENDS Research and Advisory, we are guided by a global vision that emphasises the enhancement of international dialogue and understanding.

Thus, it is natural that Africa holds exceptional importance within our research and partnership plans.

This focus on the continent is in line with the policies of many regional and international powers, including the UAE, which is particularly keen on strengthening relations with African countries.

The UAE’s interest in Africa is part of its broader effort to bolster international understanding and cooperation, spread the values of coexistence and tolerance, advance security and stability, and give a special priority to humanitarian and development aid to all countries of the world.

There are many commonalities that link the Arab world, particularly the UAE, with Africa; foremost among them are trade exchange, investments, energy exports, and the security of waterways, especially the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait.

Additionally, joint efforts to combat maritime piracy and terrorist organisations, which are widespread across various parts of Africa and threaten the security and stability of many African nations, are highly important.

These threats are a continuous danger to the security of Arab countries, both in North Africa and the Arabian Gulf.

Moreover, crises and conflicts affecting some African countries are also of concern to Arab countries, as the security and stability of Africa are of strategic significance to the Arab region.

In light of the above, it is quite understandable why TRENDS Research and Advisory, with its global agenda of objectives and pursuit of fostering international dialogue and understanding between different cultures through a variety of research endeavours, is drawn to Africa.

In fact, Africa is a priority for the TRENDS, and that is why we have established a branch office in Cape Town, South Africa, which is an emerging economy and a strategic trade and investment partner for the Gulf states.

The selection of South Africa as the first location for TRENDS’ overseas office stems from the importance of this country, which is one of the most crucial commercial hubs not only in Africa but also globally.

It is characterised by cultural diversity and strong relations with various international blocs, including the BRICS group.

It is a developed industrial and technological hub with advanced educational systems and strong research institutions.

Therefore, the TRENDS office was established in Cape Town to serve as the gateway to Sub-Saharan Africa.

At TRENDS, we have been keen to make our initial operations in South Africa stand out and contribute significantly to advancing Africa-Middle East relations.

TRENDS branch in Cape Town, in a media partnership with Aletihad News Center, began its operations by hosting the inaugural roundtable of the “TRENDS Global Round Table Series” on the Middle East and Africa.

This event brought together leaders and representatives from 11 prominent think tanks worldwide in the presence of His Excellency Mahash Saeed Al-Hameli, UAE Ambassador to South Africa; Mohamed Sheikh Issak, Somali Ambassador to South Africa; His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Founder and Trustee of the King Faisal Foundation and Chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies; and Dr. Hamad Al Kaabi, Chief Aletihad News Center Officer.

Additionally, a distinguished group of researchers, experts, and specialists from the UAE and African countries participated.

In all our events, we underlined the importance of dialogue and research collaboration between Arab and African think tanks, the exchange of expertise and ideas, and the search for solutions to common challenges that stand in the way of enhanced mutual cooperation.

During this important tour, the TRENDS delegation and researchers also had the opportunity to hold discussion sessions with South African universities and research centres, including the Development Policy Research Unit at the University of Cape Town and the Security Institute for Governance and Leadership in Africa (SIGLA).

Together with SIGLA, we organised a discussion session where we launched the international version of the “Muslim Brotherhood’s International Power Index”, which shows the waning influence and threat posed by this extremist group.

To commemorate Nelson Mandela International Day, TRENDS also organised a series of events in partnership with the Aletihad News Center and the Mandela Heritage Foundation.

The events included a discussion session on Nelson Mandela’s historical and humanitarian legacy and his role in global peace, with the participation of Mr. Zondwa Mandela, the CEO of the Foundation.

The TRENDS delegation also took part in volunteer activities organised by the Mandela Heritage Foundation.

We concluded the tour with a discussion session at the TRENDS office in Cape Town, focusing on the office’s plans and future strategy.

The TRENDS delegation’s tour of South Africa and its associated activities and events emphasise the continued commitment of TRENDS to its mission of building bridges of knowledge, dialogue platforms, and connection networks with centres, institutions, and researchers around the world, particularly in Africa.

This effort falls within TRENDS’ global vision and its pursuit of being a bridge for constructive knowledge-based dialogue between our region and the rest of the world.

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