The UAE Accountability Authority hosted the 17th Meeting of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Working Group on the Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering.
The meeting, held in cooperation with the Central Auditing Organisation of the Republic of Egypt, which chairs the working group, took place on September 3-4, at the Erth Hotel in Abu Dhabi under the theme "An Integrated Vision".
The meeting addressed the latest developments and achievements of the working group, including updates from the leaders of the subgroups and member audit institutions.
Discussions focused on the group's future objectives, aligning with the emerging priorities of INTOSAI.
During the meeting, members from the audit institutions exchanged experiences and insights on engaging non-governmental sectors, such as civil society and social networks. They also highlighted the importance of public awareness in enhancing anti-corruption measures, combating money laundering, and supporting the economic environment.