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UAE ranks 8th most connected country globally: report

UAE ranks 8th most connected country globally: report
3 Apr 2024 10:00


The UAE has emerged as a global leader in connectivity, securing the 8th position among the world's top 10 most globalised countries, according to the latest findings from DHL's Global Connectedness Report. 

The UAE shot up three positions in the overall rankings, maintaining an upwards trend that has seen its connectivity score rise faster than any other country in the index since 2021.  

The report, which analyses 181 countries, highlights the UAE's exceptional progress in enhancing global supply chains and facilitating international trade through its extensive network of trade, investment, immigration, and tourism connections. 

Drawing from nearly 9 million data points, DHL's Global Connectedness Report offers a comprehensive snapshot of global flows of goods, services, capital, information, and people. This year, the report introduces a new metric called "depth," which measures the ease and value of trade on a scale from 0% (indicating no cross-border flows) to 100% (representing frictionless, borderless trade).

The UAE saw its ranking in the index improve on multiple fronts, including in the 'depth' of its international trade flows, the size of trade, and the amount of capital available rising 4, 3 and 6 rankings respectively. 

According to the report, the UAE's biggest trading partners were India, the US and China followed by the UK, Saudi Arabia and Japan. 

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