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Ministry of Climate Change and Environment announces start of shark fishing season

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment announces start of shark fishing season
1 July 2024 09:20


The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MoCCAE) has announced that shark fishing season will start from July 1, 2024, lasting until February 28, 2025, according to Ministerial Resolution No. (43) of 2019 regarding the regulation of shark fishing and trade. Shark fishing is prohibited from the start of March through the end of June each year.

The resolution stipulates the use of shark fishing equipment according to the specifications set forth in the resolution for fishermen who run registered lynch boats – boats fitted out with hooks on the sides – as well as prohibiting licensed marine vessels for recreational purposes from fishing sharks outright and permanently.

The Ministry confirmed that decisions regarding the regulation of fishing certain types of fish are made to align with the UAE’s goals to conserve natural resources and biodiversity, and to ensure the sustainability of the country’s fish stocks.

The MoCCAE emphasised that the resolution aligns with its vision and strategy aimed at following international agreements and treaties such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). 

The Ministry added that Ministerial Resolution permanently prohibits the hunting of sharks listed in CITES, CMS, and other protected species of sharks according to Federal Law No. (23) of 1999 on the exploitation, protection, and development of living aquatic resources in the UAE and its amendments and executive regulations.

The resolution permanently prohibits the import and re-export of shark fins whether fresh, frozen, dried, salted, smoked, or in any other form, except for shark fins imported for scientific research purposes and with the Ministry’s approval.

Fishing boats should not exceed 100 hooks per lynch in one fishing gear. Hooks should be circular and should not exceed 12/0 in size. The fishing gear cord on which non-stainless steel hooks are fixed should be made of artificial fibres (KURALON). It is prohibited to use nylon threads. 

The fishing gear shall carry buoy lights on each end of the cord, indicating its location. Each side of the fishing gear should also be equipped with floating buoys with uniform and clear numbers corresponding to the fishing boat number and the code of the Emirate. 
Shark fishing is limited to fishing waters that are at a distance of no less than 8 nautical miles from the country’s shoreline and 3 nautical miles from the country’s islands. Shark fishing is prohibited in areas designated by the local authorities.

Fishing sharks solely for their fins is prohibited, as is the disposal of whole or part of a shark carcass into the sea. Sharks shall be brought whole to the landing site. Boats who accidentally catch sharks during the off season should release them, taking the necessary precautions to ensure their survival. If the shark dies before it can be released, its carcass must be handed over to the competent local authority in the Emirate.

Shark fishing imports are permitted whether fresh, frozen, dried, salted, smoked, or in any other form, and each shipment must be accompanied by required documents, including the shipment’s certificate of origin stating the scientific name and quantity imported for each type, in addition to the health certificate and packing list specific to the shipment. In the case of importing prohibited and endangered shark species, the required documents must be attached, including an export or re-export certificate from the relevant administrative authority in the exporting country for any sample of the species listed in CITES appendices.

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