The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) has issued the weather forecast for UAE from Tuesday, March 18, until Saturday, March 22.
Weather: Humid with a probability of mist formation by morning over some internal areas – fair to partly to cloudy over some Eastern and Northern areas.
Wind: Light to moderate Southwesterly to Northwesterly wind and fresh at times causing blowing dust during daytime, with a speed of 10 – 30 reaching 40 kmph.
Sea: Slight in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman sea.
Weather: Humid by morning over some Northern areas – fair to partly cloudy.
Wind: Light to moderate Southwesterly to Northwesterly wind and fresh at times during daytime, with a speed of 10 – 25 reaching 35 kmph.
Sea: Slight in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman sea.
Weather: Humid by morning over some Northern areas – fair to partly cloudy with increase in temperatures.
Wind: Light to moderate Southeasterly to Northeasterly wind, with a speed of 10 – 20 reaching 30 kmph.
Sea: Slight in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman sea.
Weather: Fair to partly cloudy.
Wind: Light to moderate Southeasterly to Northeasterly wind, with a speed of 10 – 20 reaching 30 kmph.
Sea: Slight in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman sea.
Weather: Fair in general and clouds appear Eastward during daytime – becoming cloudy at times Westward by night.
Wind: Light to moderate Southeasterly to Northeasterly wind and fresh at times, with a speed of 10 – 25 reaching 35 kmph.
Sea: Slight in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman sea.