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UAE strongly condemns Israeli settler attacks on Jordanian aid convoy enroute to Gaza Strip, and on UNRWA headquarters in occupied Jerusalem

UAE strongly condemns Israeli settler attacks on Jordanian aid convoy enroute to Gaza Strip, and on UNRWA headquarters in occupied Jerusalem
10 May 2024 19:08


The UAE has condemned in the strongest terms the attack by Israeli settlers on a Jordanian aid convey headed to the Gaza Strip through Beit Hanoun, and the attack on the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in occupied Jerusalem.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) affirmed it held Israel fully responsible for these heinous attacks, and called for an urgent, independent and transparent investigation, and punishment for those who committed these appalling crimes in contravention of international humanitarian law.

Furthermore, the Ministry emphasised the importance of the international community providing support for the agency’s efforts in order for it to provide sustainable services and assistance to Palestinian refugees in light of the critical conditions caused by ongoing Israeli violations.

The Ministry commended the efforts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in supporting the brotherly Palestinians and the people of the Gaza Strip to confront the difficult humanitarian conditions.

The Ministry stressed the need for an immediate ceasefire, and for avoiding the targeting of civilians, organisations, civilian facilities, and relief organisations. The Ministry also urged the necessity of facilitating the immediate, safe, sustainable, and unhindered delivery of relief aid to the people of Gaza.

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