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ADAFSA releases booklets for children to promote awareness on agriculture and food security

ADAFSA releases booklets for children to promote awareness on agriculture and food security
8 May 2024 12:33


The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) has released a series of educational stories and leaflets for children aimed at raising awareness in the areas of agriculture, livestock, food safety and beekeeping. The publications provide entertaining and educational content that helps children develop an awareness of the importance of these sectors.

The booklets support ADAFSA's efforts to achieve food security by raising awareness of the importance of agriculture and food safety among all segments of society, strengthening communication with children, and integrating them into the ADAFSA's activities. The educational materials also aim to encourage future careers in agriculture and food safety, highlighting the authority's role in achieving food security in Abu Dhabi.

The awareness materials consist of three educational brochures and ten stories. The brochure on Educational Activities in Agriculture imparts fundamental agricultural knowledge to children by using the character of The Little Farmer. The livestock brochure offers guidance on preventing and managing animal diseases, while the Food Safety brochure educates children on wise shopping practices and the importance of adhering to food safety measures.

The stories cover a wide range of topics, including the work and services of ADAFSA, diseases common to humans and animals, food labels, irrigation, food waste, food safety during desert trips, Eid sacrifices, animal welfare, fresh fish as well as beekeeping and honey production.

Badr Hassan Al Shehhi, Director of Communication and Community Engagement Division at ADAFSA, said: "The launch of this series of educational booklets and stories for children stems from ADAFSA's keenness to raise children's awareness in the fields of agriculture and food security, and to establish the concepts of agricultural sustainability and food security in children's minds. In addition, the publications teach children the basics of agriculture, livestock and food security, and enrich their knowledge on various topics of agriculture and food safety in a simple and entertaining way.

"We hope that these booklets will contribute to the formation of a generation that is aware of the importance of agriculture and food security, and contributes to achieving food security in the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

"The Educational Activities in Agriculture Brochure explains in a simple way how to farm through the character of The Little Farmer and provides practical advice on the basics of farming, including tools, planting, irrigation, and production. The Educational Activities in Livestock Brochure provides advice on preventing and dealing with animal diseases and zoonotic diseases. The Food Safety Brochure provides a fun way to learn about food handling, smart shopping, and everything related to food safety. A special brochure on beekeeping and honey production has also been developed to teach children about how honey is collected and the names of everything related to bees and the hive."

Al Shehhi added: "The preparation of this package is a result of ADAFSA's recognition that the future of sustainable agricultural development and food security depends on the knowledge and awareness of all segments of society in order to double food production, reduce the depletion of natural resources and increase the competitiveness of local products."

The booklets are available on ADAFSA’s website - - and will also be available for free during the ADAFSA's participation in the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair from April 29 - May 5. The series is also available in English and French to reach a wider audience.

Source: Aletihad - Abu Dhabi
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