At just 9 years old, AlDhabi AlMheiri is not your typical entrepreneur. Founder of Rainbow Chimney Bookshop and Publishing House, and author of two books, this young Emirati is rewriting the rules of what it means to be an ambitious businesswoman. 

"I'm the youngest Emirati entrepreneur and publisher, holding two Guinness World Records. One is for being the youngest publisher to write a bilingual book, and the other is for being the youngest publisher to create a bilingual book series."

In an interview with Aletihad, AlDhabi mentioned that she had written two books. The first one, titled "I Had an Idea", recounts how she started her business, Rainbow Chimney. "And my second book, 'Here Was the Beginning', is basically about how I went through challenges until I got my first Guinness World Record for the youngest publisher to write a bilingual book." 

AlDhabi said that she has published books for more than 52 children, 21 of which focus on the environment. 

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WIN Fellowship

AlDhabi delved into her remarkable journey, and recent accomplishment of completing the prestigious WIN Fellowship, a groundbreaking programme to empower women in the Middle East and North Africa. Reflecting on her experience as the youngest participant, AlDhabi highlighted Georgetown University as a pivotal place for learning, where she made new friendships and absorbed invaluable knowledge. 

AlDhabi's Business: Rainbow Chimney

Her passion for literature and learning sparked the creation of Rainbow Chimney, a platform for young readers stocked with a diverse array of books catering to various interests and educational needs. "We have wordbooks, colouring books, activity books, craft books, and many more." 

"I am also a passionate advocate for children with additional needs." 

Despite her young age, AlDhabi is no stranger to challenges. "Honestly, there's no success without challenges," she reflects. 

"I believe that what inspires me to continue my story is the empowerment I receive, including the empowerment I gain from Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak. 

Our government and wise leadership have already opened the doors to us. We don't even need to knock!" 

Climate Activism

Through initiatives like "Books from Children to Children" and "Eco Club," AlDhabi empowers young minds to explore issues like climate change and sustainability. 

"We are trying to help children read more so they can educate themselves in different ways, and in both languages, Arabic and English," she explained passionately. 


When asked about her future aspirations, she said: " Actually, I like to talk and make new friends. So maybe a diplomat. But who knows?" 


Her name, meaning "deer" or "ghazal" symbolises grace and strength, fitting for a young girl who is determined to leave an impressive mark on the world. 


"Success doesn't fall from trees. But with effort and dedication, you can become whoever you want to be in the future."