The delegation of the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI), led by Maqsoud Kruse, Chairperson of the NHRI, has concluded its participation as an "observer" in the annual meeting of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), which took place from May 6 to 8, 2024, in Geneva. The meeting was attended by representatives from 80 national human rights institutions, in addition to representatives from United Nations agencies and civil society organisations.

The NHRI's participation as an "observer" for the second consecutive year reflects its ongoing commitment to supporting fundamental human rights and promoting equality and justice without discrimination. This commitment aligns with global human rights goals and the Paris Principles. Through its involvement, the NHRI aimed to exchange expertise and develop effective strategies to enhance human rights standards by expanding cooperation with participating national institutions and relevant UN agencies.

Additionally, the GANHRI, in partnership with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, hosted a conference titled "Business and Human Rights: The Role and Experiences of National Human Rights Institutions". The conference focused on the need to enhance sound policy measures that set corporate responsibilities in respecting human rights and included discussions about the environment, climate change, and the impact of modern digital technology on human rights. In its closing statement, the GANHRI reaffirmed the commitment of national human rights institutions to work together and strengthen partnerships within the global network, sharing information and best practices concerning business and human rights.

On the sidelines of the annual meeting, the NHRI delegation engaged in meetings with several prominent figures, including Vladlen Stefanov,Head of the Department of National Institutions and Local Mechanisms at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; Katharina Rose, Representative of the GANHRI Head Office, in Geneva; Kieren Fitzpatrick Executive Director of the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions; Moushira Khattab, President of the National Council for Human Rights in Egypt; Sultan bin Hassan Al-Jammali, Secretary-General of the Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions, Secretary-General of the National Human Rights Committee in Qatar; Dr. Rashid bin Hamad bin Hameed Al Balushi, Chairman of the Oman Human Rights Commission; Engineer Ali Ahmad Al Deraazi, Chairman of the National Institution for Human Rights in Bahrain; Richard Paat Palpal, Chairman of the Human Rights Commission of the Philippines; Samar Al Hajj, President of the National Center for Human Rights in Jordan; Rabia Agha, Chairperson of the National Commission for Human Rights in Pakistan; and Simiteyi Lavae, Member of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone. These meetings addressed a broad array of topics, focusing on enhancing cooperation and exchanging best practices in the field of human rights.

The meeting also included Ambassador Jamal Al Musharakh, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations and other organisations in Geneva, which took place at the mission's headquarters on the sidelines of the annual meeting.

It is also worth mentioning that the National Human Rights Institution was established in 2021 as per the Federal Law No. (12) as an independent institution and enjoys financial and administrative independence and aims to protect and promote human rights in the United Arab Emirates by taking into account the UAE Constitution, mandates, and other relevant international treaties. The institution works in compliance with the Paris Principles as it sets the basis for regulating the work of national human rights institutions approved by the United Nations.

The participating delegation included members from the Board of Trustees and the General Secretariat of the NHRI, including Dr. Fatima Al Kaabi, Deputy Chairperson, Dr. Ahmed Al Mansoori, Head of the Promotion of Human Rights Culture Committee, Mohamed Al Hammadi, Head of the Civil and Political Rights Committee, Ameirah Al Seraidi, Head of the Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Committee, Dr. Zayed Al Shamsi, Head of the Legal and Legislative Affairs Committee, Fatma Al Bedwawi, Head of the Complaints, Monitoring and Field Visits Committee Board Member, Dr. Saeed Al Ghfeli, the Secretary-General of the NHRI, Dr. Ismail Al Balushi, Director of Support Services Administration, Fajer Al Haidan, Fajr Al Haidan, Head of the International Affairs Section, Abdulaziz Al Obathani, Head of International and Regional Organizations, and Fatima Rashid Al Hosani, Head of International Relations and Communications.